Pharma Focus Asia

Porton Advanced Launches MaxCyte ExPERT GTx Flow Electroporation System to Enhance Cell and Gene Therapy Offerings

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Porton Advanced has recently integrated the MaxCyte cGMP-grade ExPERT GTx Flow Electroporation instrument into its cell therapy platform, making it the first cell therapy CDMO in China to adopt this advanced flow electroporation system. This equipment is highly regarded for its superior transfection efficiency and cell viability, capable of handling varying transfection volumes and supporting the entire spectrum from research to clinical stages and cGMP production. It also scales effectively for large-volume preparations. MaxCyte has already facilitated the launch of Casgevy, the world's first CRISPR/CAS9 gene-edited therapeutic.

Porton Advanced offers a comprehensive range of cell therapy process equipment to meet diverse production needs for different cell types, including cell banking and both autologous and allogeneic cell therapy production. The facility supports various process routes such as viral vector transfection, non-viral vector electroporation, and gene editing. The introduction of the MaxCyte technology platform enhances Porton Advanced's capabilities in non-viral electroporation for process development and clinical production. Currently, Porton Advanced utilizes MaxCyte for process development and production services across multiple stages, including early-stage research, IND application, and clinical trials for various cell therapy projects.

To advance the development and production of different cell therapies using electroporation technologies, Porton Advanced collaborates closely with MaxCyte's technical and compliance teams. This collaboration leverages the capabilities of the MaxCyte ExPERT GTx and other electroporation equipment to accelerate the translation of gene and cell therapy treatments from research to clinical applications and ultimately to market.


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