Pharma Focus Asia

Previous Issue - Issue 22


Issue 22 | 2015

  • Foreword
  • Strategy
  • Research & Development
  • Clinical Trials
  • Manufacturing
  • Information Technology
  • Expert Talk
  • Go to Digital Magazine

Issue 22



Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance

Bacterial resistance is developing quickly and many critically important drugs risk becoming obsolete warned the World Health Organization WHO in April Antimicrobial resistance AMR has emerged as a major threat for public health worldwide owing to ineffective use of antibiotics due to increasing patients demand


The Lasting Advantage

Why are some firms more competitive than others This is the central question of my research in the field of strategic management Decades of research in both the life sciences and other industries have converged to suggest there are perhaps three overarching reasons The first is the most obvious what academics call the ResourceBased View of the Firm...

What are the 10 Hot Topics in Pharmaceutical Operational Excellence for 2015?

Status Quo Analysis from an Operations Management Perspective

The competence centre for Operational Excellence OPEX at the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St Gallen Switzerland ITEMHSG has focused its research for more than ten years on the challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies in their pursuit of Operational Excellence Over time the researchers have been able to sustain a datab...

Regulatory Considerations for Forced Degradation Studies to Assess the Stability of Drugs

Quality safety and effectiveness are the most important attributes of drugs and pharmaceuticals Because of its key role in public health the pharmaceutical industry has always been a comparatively highly regulated industry Until the end of nd World War the quality of pharmaceutical products was determined mainly by assaying the content of their act...

Microfluidic Organs-on-a-Chip

The patent landscape

Traditional methods of drug discovery in particular the use of animal testing suffer from many limitations including a the length of time and high costs associated with animal trials b the loss of animal lives and c the failure of animal tests to accurately predict human responses Twodimensional D cell cultures have shown value in biomedical rese...

Prospects for Personalised Medicines in the Asia-Pacific Region

Personalised Medicine PM is the wave of the future but will the waves be bathing the shores of AsiaPacific with the same market force as they do on either side of the Atlantic Personalised medicine also called precision medicine encompasses treatment approaches that target the medicines used based on the characteristics of the individual patient ra...

Sustainable Antibiotics

Evolving pharmaceutical supply chain to ensure effectiveness

Tackling the challenge of supply chain security in the face of antibiotic resistanceAntibiotic resistanceAntimicrobial Resistance AMR also called antibiotic resistance is a reality AMR renders antibiotics ineffective meaning they can no longer fight bacterial infections and ultimately become uselessEvery year AMR is responsible for nea

Research & Development

Enabling the Delivery of Poorly Soluble Drugs via Drug-Polymer Solid Dispersions

Poorly soluble new drugs entering the market are estimated to range from to per cent of the total This trend of increased poorly soluble drugs on the market is a result of the quest for drugs with increased potency and increased ability to interact with protein receptors The advent of modern drug discovery techniques such as quantitative structur...


Antibody Drug Conjugates in Reducing Disease Burden

Immense Promise with Some Challenges

The global market for oncology drugs has seen a steady growth in recent years with cancer being the leading area of healthcare spending Market estimates show that in the global spending on oncology drugs reached US billion including supportive care growing at a CAGR of per cent in the period from This trend is expected to continue in to wher...
