Pharma Focus Asia

Previous Issue - Issue 14


Issue 14 | 2011

Issue 14



New Drugs in Anaesthesia

Catering to new demands

The history of anaesthesia mentions use of nonpharmacological Cold Concussion Carotid compression Nerve compression Blood letting and Hypnosis and pharmacological techniques use of alcohol opium hyoscine cannabis cocaine in ancient and mediaeval times for anaesthesia onwards as anaesthesia became popular more and more surgeries were carried out...

Research & Development

Novel Genetic Vaccines

A key focus area

Edward Jenners work in developing the worlds first smallpox vaccine in the s demonstrated that it was possible to protect the general population from major threats to public health and vaccine development aimed at combating the major concerns of the day has continued ever since There have been many successes and vaccines are now available to immuni...

Collaborative Models for Managing Vaccine Trials in Asia

Over the past decade there has been an explosion in the number of clinical research studies being conducted globally and in particular in resourcelimited settings including in Asia Researchers and pharmaceutical companies have worked earnestly to develop new treatment prevention and diagnostic technologies to tackle the global public health challen...

Clinical Trials

Issues & Concerns in Conducting Clinical Trials in India

Indias strong value proposition has enticed multinational pharmaceutical companies to enter into or significantly expand existing operations in India in the fields of drug discovery contract manufacturing and clinical research In addition to huge internal market potential India presents an attractive destination for drug companies seeking to minimi...

China\'s Clinical Trial Boom

A look at the linguistic and cultural challenges

Due to unprecedented economic growth and increased healthcare expenditures experts predict that by China will be the worlds fourth largest pharmaceutical market In addition to increased production and distribution by foreign pharmaceuticals China has become one of the regions primary locations for outsourcing clinical trials Growth in the clinical...


Supply Chain Design

An outside-in perspective

The global pharmaceutical market has never been more competitive and therefore companies are searching for sources of sustainable value Consider the increased competition created by a flood of metoo drugs combined with everdecreasing rates of pipeline productivity and the need for the significant changes to healthcare delivery models As margins con...

Information Technology

Business Intelligence

Transforming Pharma

The pharmaceutical industry is in the midst of fundamental changes The changes have been brought on by the increasing concerns over expiry of patents for major blockbuster drugs weak product pipelines heightened awareness of drug safety globalisation competition from generics and growing value considerations with regards to access to and reimbursem...
